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constipation in small older dog

18 15:56:56

Sidney is a small( 12 lbs.) mixed breed dog.  He is around 15 years old. Still quite spry for his age!  Lives inside, but spends lots of time outside.  Good health in general. He has occasional constipation.  This weekend (Sat)we had a large outdoor party and of course everyone enjoyed "sneaking" the dogs(4 of them)a treat.  I'm sure Sidney ate everything offered to him!  Monday morning he is very slow and too quiet.  He appears to be trying to have a bowel movement....however, he is unsuccessful.  Any tips that would provide quick relief?  

Hi Donna!

A dog's digestive system is pretty sensitive when you consider the garbage they'd eat if left to their own devices! Like your dog, one of my dogs will eat anything offered to him at a party, and be a little stopped up the following day.

You can try feeding your dog a little fresh fruit, such as apples (not the core) banana, or mix a little (about a teaspoon) canned pumpkin into his regular food (dogs LOVE pumpkin).

The extra fiber will have your dog back on track again soon. Giving your dog a little additional exercise will also help. It can be in the form of a long walk.

Keep an eye on your dog, if constipation persists, a veterinary visit is a good idea.

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give Sidney millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!