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Poisonous Trees with Puppies

18 15:23:54

I have two 4 month old Akita puppies.  We have a well established apple tree in our yard, as well as 2 new peach trees and 2 new loquat trees.  I just learned that the pits and wilted leaves can be poisonous to pets.  If I am careful that they are not eating these, is it safe to keep them in my yard?  Do I need to consider removing the trees?  The dogs will be inside dogs most of the time, but may be outside when we are at work, etc...  Thank you!

In general the fact that the seeds must be ingested and the low concentration of poisonous substance (for instance cyanide) makes it relatively unlikely that enough could be consumed by your dogs to make them ill.  However I would recommend frequent raking up of dropped leaves and removal of fallen fruit to prevent abundance of them available to your dogs.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.  Have a lovely day.