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fallen cat medicine

18 15:43:07

I am a humanitatrian aid worker in Egypt and have a 3month old kitten who fell from a 7th floor apt 3 days ago. I was out of town. I immidiately took her to the vet when I returned this morning, and he told me that she has a fractured front leg and "lumber vertabray affected by contusion affecting pelvic nerves" and perscribed a two week treatment of 1.5 cc of DecalBiz 2x per day and told me to come back ever two days for 2 weeks for a shot of .5cc Drofoma, Tr. B. The cat is still in a great deal of pain, and I don't really trust that this is the correct information, as I am in Egypt I have no choice of vets, and am very hopeful that you might be able to tell me if this sounds correct, or if I am seeing a crazy vet who doesn't care if my cat sufferes for a while and wants me to pay him every 2 days for an injection, I know that sounds crazy, but is NOT uncommon here. Please help!
Thank you so much!

I am not familar with those drug names.  Normally for cats with traumatic injury we would put them on a steroid (prednisone or dexamethasone) to reduce inflammation and help with the trauma, and then other pain medication could be given such as an opiod like butorphanol or buprenex.   We will also use Fentanyl Patches for pain control especially in a very painful cat where continuous pain relief is needed and it makes it easier than administering area of the cat's hair is shaved and the patch is then placed on the skin for 4 days to take the place of pills or injections.