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German Shepherd with a cyst

18 15:19:01

I have a 13 year old German Shepherd who has had a granular cyst for about a year. She can't have it removed because of her age. Unfortunately she licks at it all the time, it's about the size of a quarter and looks gross. It's directly above and before her left hip. We have some Gentocin Spray that we put on it, and recently purchased an inflatable collar for her. The collar does not prevent her from licking it and the spray doesn't seem to be helping either. It doesn't hurt her at all, but for the sake of our stomachs, and her happiness, we would like some advice on what we may be able to do. She is well loved and in her final years want her to be as happy and comfortable as possible. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Hi Chelsea:  Yes, I have some ideas that are safe and Holistic.

First, see if you can clean the area with Tea TREE Oil.

Place the oil on a cotton ball with a little bit of water.  Hold the Tea tree cotton ball on the area for 10 seconds, if possible.
Do this every day and every night.  ( Don't rub just pat the area with the solution)  / May help with the healing....and reduce itch.
If the area become red, please stop this treatment.
You can also make a spray with Tea Tree Oil mixed with water:  
10 drops of Tea Tree Oil to 32 ounces of water.
Anti-itch spray.

Next, Start him on some NuVET Plus - this will help the healing and is an Immune System Blaster.  Will kick start him into healing the skin!  Good stuff and guaranteed to help or your money back.
Here is the link - NuVET is a Skin and Coat Supplement / very good!!

Only sold by breeders and Kennels -  Buy from the manufacturer and save $$$

Ask for NuVET Plus Wafers - He will need at least 2 wafers per day.
He will Love the taste!

Call Joan and she can explain the Money Back guarantee and help you with your order.

It costs about .55 cents per NuVET wafer treat.

1-800-474-7044 ext 265 ( Joan Harris)

Tell them Marie sent you from All Experts and The Doggie Chalet Hotel
Order code 81098

Also, you can consider some vitamin E - give 150 IU per day.
Helps with skin and swelling issues...Can't hurt to try.

BEST wishes, Let me know how it all goes...
My e-mail

Marie Peppers