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please help if possible..

18 14:37:41

Well I have been gone from my home for 3 weeks and left my dog with a friend. When I arrived yesterday she has sores on her back (which are scabs) large ones. she can not walk on her back legs well. She looks as if she is filled with water on her back legs and body. He stomach seems to be swollen as well. She eats iams dog food. She is still eating and drinking more water than usual. her urine and stool seems to be normal. She suffers from allergies in the ear and is allergic to chicken( she would break out in hives) that's it. She is 8' 1/2 before this very energetic. She is an American bulldog.If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thank you for your time

Your dog needs to see a very soon. Something is causing this edema in her back and her legs and it could be her heart or a kidney issue.

Doesn't your friend know what happened to her if she was watching her? It almost sounds as if she was burned on her back with some kind of chemical, like the kind groomers use. We have seen dogs with huge scabs from being chemically burned by shampoos, etc.

You need to get her to a vet and soon. This kind of water retention is a symptom of something more serious going on.

Call your vet tomorrow.