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Longevity of Cat

18 16:08:08

I had a male Siamese Cat who died.  He hid for 2 days and then we found him on the floorof our bedroom, listless, eyes dull, barely responding.  He had no pain, but we were shocked because of the suddenness of his death.  He was 15 yrs, 4 mos old.Also, he was totally silent until the second before he died, he let out a yelp and then died. He was wrapped in a warn towel in my arms on the way to Emergency. What is that all about?  Do cats do that?  He had a bad smell to his skin/fur for about 1 wk, but we were ignorant, didn't think anything was wrong.  What is the life span of the Siamese Cat? He had been pampered all his life, never let outdoors Thank you, Dee

Hi Dee!

Poor cat! NO normally animals do not die in that painful manner of yelping unless something is going on. Many animals just pass in their sleep at an older age unless some disease process has caught up with them.

What kind of smell was comming from him? Did it smell like nail polish remover? It could be kidney related then.

Listless, eyes dull and barley responding is a sign of dehydration and or shock.

The typical life span of a cat is anywhere from 13-20 and up. Though if there is a disease involved it can compromise that. The oldest patient I ever had was a 23 year old cat named Lemon Grass.

MANY cats do not let the guardian that they are sick until they are VERY sick. So do not place blame on yourself.
