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lame dog

18 14:54:20

hi i am hoping that you might be able to help me a little bit. i have an almost 3 yr old jack . over the last few weeks she has become lame and  sore. she seems to be licking her legs a lot. she has issues with trying to get on the couch or going up stairs. anything that seems to put a lot of strain on her legs. i have been reading up the last days and it seem that arthritis might be a possibility but she is so young. what are you thoughts on ths?

Joanna -

Your dog may possibly have arthritis or she may have any number of ailments that affect her legs or muscles.  Arthritis can strike at any time - there are many types of arthritis - so a visit to your veterinarian can help to determine what is ailing your pup.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell,DVM