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New Dog is Marking EVERYWHERE

18 14:31:51

I just brought home a 3 yr old Pomeranian and he is not neutered.  The second I put him down in the house he went crazy marking everything in sight.  I have two large dogs already who ARE neutered and totally housebroken.  I have put the Pomeranian in a large dog crate here in the room with me and cleaned the spots with pet odor enzyme spray.  Will neutering this 3 year old Pom stop his marking when there are two large male dogs in the house?  Geez I hope my other dogs don't try to re-mark where the Pom did!  Also, the new Pom clearly has horrible moldy smelling ears, though they don't seem to itch or bother him. Should I squirt a couple drops of vinegar and water in them to get this under control?  I assume it is a yeast infection?

Well neutering him right away will certainly help, but he will still do this until he is feeling less threatened by these bigger dogs. And yes, the other two will most likely try and re-mark right over his marks. Such it is in the doggy world, and especially with males.

Keep using the order enzyme to get rid of the smell as soon as you see one of them do this and that might keep it down to a minimum.

When you take him in to get him neutered have them clean out his ears while he is under. You cannot treat them until you know what he has in them. Could be mites, yeast, bacteria, etc.

Cleaning them out with a little rubbing alcohol will not hurt them. Vinegar is too acidic for the ears.