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Strange deposits where the cat sleeps

18 16:05:18

Hello Hilary!

I have been noticing something strange where Abby, my sweet little kitty, sleeps.  There are little tan seed like pods lying around.  Maybe 4-5, which I vaccum up right away.  I notice them after I trim her nails, could it be related?  I thought maybe her fur was picking up something around the house or in her litter, and maybe it was coming off when she slept.  But now I'm not so sure.
Any suggestions?


Hi Heather!  
It sounds as though your little Abby girl has contracted a tape worm.  Don't panic!  These are very common intestinal parasites that are often seen in not only cats, but other pets as well.  These little seed-looking pods are actually the segments of a tape worm.  When an animal is relaxed, or in the same area for a bit of time, you will notice the segments there, but in reality, they are constantly shedding the segments, just one at a time since they are on the move.  These segments may or may not be alive at the time of shedding, but will die within a few minutes of being outside of the body.  You can not contract this from your cat, unless you would ingest these segments (which I don't think you would want to do anyway!).  If you have small children, be sure to have them sanatize their hands after handling Abby, as children are more susceptible to contracting parasites.
You will need to take Abby to your veterinarian.  If possible, bringing the segments with you for them to identify will save some time and money, as they would otherwise need to perform testing to identify the parasite.  They will then prescribe a pill for Abby.  The best would be Drontal.  Drontal is a once and done pill which will kill the intestinal parasite completely, within 3-4 days.  
I hope this has been helpful and if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!  Give Abby some get well kisses for me!