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Dog Problem!

18 14:40:16

My 3 year old maltipoo has been acting strange during the last few days. She smells her tail and runs away. Some times she cries like she's in pain. She doesn't want to go for walks, eat, or play anymore. She just wants to be under the bed. I'm worried because she cant stay still and cries and trembles and has lost interest in things she liked to do.  She has been scratching, trembling, crying, has red skin, hot spots, and smelling her parts. Im scared. HELP!

It sounds like her anal glands are impacted Olivia and that they are very full and very uncomfortable. Maltipoos are known for having anal gland issues like this.

Call your vet tomorrow and get her in to see him/her and have her anal glands expressed. That is what the smell probably is.

As far as her skin goes, tell me what you feed her and I can help you there with some recommendations.