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my cat is really sick

18 14:32:07

my cat is shaking, is laying down in a way she has never done before, looks really skinny, wont eat or drink, her eyelids are pink, nose is dark pink (usually light pink or white), is dragging her back legs whenever she walks, and she walks a few steps than just lies down. What's wrong? (by the way i dont have time to take her to a vet so please dont tell me to take her to a vet.)

I know you do not want to hear this, but in my professional opinion, your cat is very close to death and you must find the time to take her to a clinic. Set up an appointment and pay a friend to take her, or call a taxi driver to take her.

She sounds very very ill, possibly close to a diabetic coma or severe renal disease. The dragging of the back legs can be severe weakness or could be a clot in her aorta (though usually there is pain with that one). She could be hyperthyroid, have blood disorders or many other serious problems.

Dr. Chambreau (in the veterinary field since 1961).