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twitching cat

18 15:06:28

I have an albino cat that has developed a strange problem within the last 2 weeks. whenever he lays down, he begins twitching. its not the normal "dream twitching". its constant and its more like all of his muscles are tensing up. this happens when he is or is not sleeping. Im not sure if this is something i should be concerned about. Im concerned its painful for him.

Muscle twitching is a concern. There are many conditions that can cause it and some are vitamin B depletion, or thiamine deficiencies. Even feline distemper can cause this.

I don't know all of them right off hand but coupled with him being an albino I would suggest a trip to the vet is forthcoming.

Don't wait too long for something like this to just go away. Letting it go could worsen it and make it harder to treat.