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lump on neck

18 15:11:32

my dog had a lump on the right side of  his neck about 8 months ago. i took him to the vet and they drained it and said there was a possible injury to the neck that caused the lump. Where the lump was the hair never grew back. About a month ago he got another lump on the left side of his neck.i applied heat and cold packs to the site and the swelling went down. The bump arose again about two weeks ago. I took him to the vet and he wasnt running a temp so that ruled out an abcess. They gave him an antibiotic and steroid shot as well as putting him on amoxil and said the meds should take care of the lump. If not to bring him back in for a possible biopsy. When i called the vet today to let them know the lump has slightly went down but still there, I spoke to another vet inside the hospital and she said it could possibly be a lymphnode that needed drained, if not they would need to biopsy it. Im a little confused. Why does he keep getting these? What do you think it is? Please let me know. Any advice would help

It is hard to know what these are without knowing exactly where on the neck they are.
Lumps that form in the junction between the jaw and the neck tend to be salivary gland cysts. They are hard to diagnose and harder to treat.
One sure sign of them is that when they are opened sticky, clear saliva comes out of them instead of pus.

It could also be a lymph node but those are even more rare. When aspirated for biopsies they tend to have clear to pale yellow fluid in them.

And why would he give the dog antibiotics if it isn't an abscess?
The only way you are going to know what these are is by having one of them biopsied and some blood work done to see what kind of shape his immune system is in.

Then you will know what they are and why he is getting them.
I hope you can find out soon. Please let me know when you do.