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Putting a pet to sleep

18 15:55:03

I have a beloved kitty who is living out her last days. She has oral
cancer. We spent the better part of the year at the vet's for
surgeries, and tests and treatment and other feline tortures.
Nothing was successful. She is terrified o the vet's office, the
carrier, the car, etc... especially after the ordeals she has beeen
through over the past year. She is is pain and bleeding now and I
don't want her to suffer. I have been looking for a vet to make a
house call to put her to sleep, but I haven't had much luck. Is
there a resgistry of vets that make housecalls? Can I buy a kit to
do a home job myself? Any suggestions to help make my kitty's
last moments as stress and pain free as possible are welcome.
Thanks for your help.

Hi Genevieve.  I am so sorry that you are being faced with this situation.  I know all too well how hard this situation is.  Unfortunately, there are barely any veterinarians out there that will do housecalls.  There is a veterinarian in my area that is strictly a "house call veterinarian", but 9 chances out of 10, you aren't in my area (PA).  This is the only website that I have found that may help you:
I truly hope that you do find a veterinarian in your area.  I can't express the sympathy I feel for you, as I completely understand why you wouldn't want to take her into the vet for euthanasia when she becomes so stressed.
Please let me know if you find a veterinarian.  I will be thinking of you and your kitty.  Hang in there.  I know how tough this is, but just know you will have a little guardian angel with whiskers watching over you for the rest of your life.  She has been very fortunate to have a wonderful owner like you, who cares so much for her and her feelings, and she has lived a wonderful life with you.  Keep those happy memories alive.
Many hugs and kitty kisses,