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yelping dog!

18 15:01:10

my 10 yearold poodle is yelping every time she eats or drinks. she's very week and is almost not eating at all.she yelps often.she seems to be hurting in the chest area and yelps when picked up.we have to carry her out and back in to do her business and that's just when we think she should go out because she no longer tells us.she shivers with each breath and some times wheezes. she's been on an antibiotic for kidney infection and this has developed while on the antibiotic.

Have you called the vet and told him/her what you told me? You need to call the office and tell them that she is having this reaction. It could be from the medicine she is on and they might need to adjust the type or dosage. Never be afraid to call them and tell them what is happening with your dog.

She sounds like she has some bone tenderness in her jaws and her ribs. That is why I want you to call the vet right away and tell them this.

I hope she is ok but please let me know what you find out.