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My 10 year old cat started meowing a lot

18 14:27:31


My cat is 10 years old. We have had him since he was born. He was fixed as a kitten. He has always been an outdoor cat. He has never acted sick one day in his life. Two days ago I started to notice he would meow a lot when we approached him. He has continued to act reclusive in the house and meows constantly when we come up to him. He allows us to pet him for a long time, this doesn't seem to cause him any pain. He is just walking very slowly and it seems cautiously. He isn't limping and doesn't seem to have any pain such as an injury. He is hanging out in different areas of the house than usual (which is very strange behaviour). He threw up his breakfast this morning, then went to lie down behind a dresser in a bedroom. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you.

ANSWER: Your cat sounds like he is ill and needs medical attention as soon as possible. He could have an abscess growing, or he might be having some issues with his kidneys or liver.

When a cat starts to isolate itself and deviate from its normal behavior then you can be sure that there is something wrong medically.

He is at the age where things start happening such as kidney failure etc.
So call your vet and have him looked over.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We discovered an emtpy package of sour patch kids candy full of teeth marks. I am assuming the cat ate those. How poisoned is he and will he get better on his own or does he need a vet?

I don't think he is poisoned but he might have one bad gut ache. I would call your local vet and ask them if they are  toxic. I highly doubt it, but the vet can tell you what to give him that might help his tummy. I legally cannot.

I hope he feels better soon.