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My Cat is sick and the Vet is not open because its sunday

18 14:09:01


I found this other website with veterinarians to answer urgent questions but I discovered that it cost like $48 (come on now).

My cat who is a one year old male seems to be very sick and my vet is closed because it is Sunday and I fear that he is suffering from organ failure or he has been poisoned. He was fine a few hours ago and he was running around outside and playing like all cats do and about 20 minutes ago my sister said that he was outside laying down and that he would not open his eyes. I brought him inside and he is still breathing and he will only open his eyes a little bit. Right now he is sitting on my bed and his mouth is slightly parted and he is still breathing and his eyes are closed, but he will not eat or drink. He does seem to have some trouble breathing.

Do you have any suggestions... I'm really worried that his sickness will be fatal. I've had many cats and I've never seen them act like this. My cat has had his rabies shots and he has not shown any signs of rabid behavior. Maybe he ate or drank something contaminated... I really hope he didn't...



This is a case where your cat needs to be seen by a veterinarian as SOON as POSSIBLE!!
If this was my cat I would have called any vet around-open or not. ALL vets have emergency numbers either posted on their doors or when you call they have the number listed to call after hours.

You cannot rely on anything or anyone on the internet to get back to you in a timely manner when it can be a case of life or death.

I hope that your cat survives what ever this is, but he certainly needs to see a vet right away.
He could have been hit by a car, or shaken by a dog. If he got hit he might have ruptured his diaphragm because cats do NOT like to breathe with their mouths open. It's really common for them to rip this membrane which is what pushes the lungs up and down.  Most cats do NOT eat poisonous things unless he got into some Lily plants, or antifreeze or ate a snail that had eaten snail poison.

Cats just don't eat rotten things like dogs do. That is why it is imperative that you contact a vet as soon as you can.

Don't wait, call one tonight!!