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Lameness in back leg

18 14:39:09

Hi. Jess my 2.5yr old labrador chased a ball on the weekend and as she was sliding to the ball she went down in a howling mess. She could not stand up and has not been able to stand on her back right leg since. The xrays show no breakage at any bones. The vet has her on anti-inflammatory tablets for a few days and see what happens. She drags the leg behind her with the top of her foot dragging on the ground. It's like her leg is paralysed. Can you please offer advice on what I should do for further treatment. Thanks

Hi Laurie,
Well this is certainly not a good sign if she is knuckling over her back foot. That is certainly a sign of some major nerve damage.

I don't know about it being paralyzed just yet and she could still recover the use of her leg, but these things do take time. First of all you need to wrap her foot in some soft socks and then tape over them so that she doesn't wear the skin off if it, which she will.

The only other thing I can think of is an injection of a steroid as well as the pills. You didn't mention whether or not the vet gave her one of those or not.

You are going to need to prepare yourself for the fact that she may not regain usage of this leg. In that case your vet can discuss with you what options you have for her.

But don't give up hope yet. There is always a chance it will come back, this injury is very new. She could have just pulled on the sciatic nerve to the point of injuring it temporarily.

There is nothing else you can do but wait. Massage, etc will just make it worse. Follow your vets advice and say your prayers.

I will be thinking of you both. Please let me know how she does.