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sudden change in kitten

18 15:12:20

I have a solid white kitten, 28 days old. She's the smallest of the litter. She's been active, a good eater and appeared to be in good health. Then she had a sudden change. She still moves around a little but she's mostly listless and is sleeping a lot. Yesterday, I didn't see her eat. Today, I put her on the mother's nipple to feed and she acts like she's trying to but doesn't know how. Her meow is still strong but overall her body seems weak. What could be wrong with her and what should I do?

This kitty might have gotten cold. Once they get cold they have a hard time getting warmed up and nursing. You might want to get a heating pad under the box they are in but make sure there is a towel over it between the box and the pad.

In the meantime, get some diluted Karo syrup and give her some drops of that. That is about all you can do at this point along with putting her on the mom and supplementing her with some kitten milk replacer formula. We use Nurturall but Esbilac will work.
Try the drops of Karo syrup for now to get her blood sugars up.
Some white kittens are born with congenital problems so if that is the case they might be catching up with her.

I hope she is going to be okay. Please let me how she does in a few days.