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Dog Vaccination Reaction

18 15:15:15

My dog, 7 years old, was vaccinated over a week ago with the Rabies vaccine. Yesterday we noticed a lump about 2/3 the size of a tennis ball at the injection site and called our vet.  The vet assistant told us this was a normal reaction to the vaccine (even though we told her he had never reacted that way in the past).  She said to rub it out over the next few days. I explained that it felt hot in that area and she said this too was normal.  I'm still really nervous about this. The dog is not showing signs of pain - it's just a big, hot lump. Should I take him in anyway or trust what I was told over the phone?

Hi Trish - don't worry, it will go down in time.  This does happen but the heat can be a problem.  Apply a cold pack or some frozen corn to the area for about 10 minutes ( IF she will let you).
Also, give some Benadryl for this reaction.  It may help ... let me know her pounds and I will give you the dosage.
Next time you get a shot tell them it must be placed into 2 needles and give into 2 sites.  I have to do this for my dog because of the same thing.

Also, to strengthen her immune system you may want to get some NuVET Plus - Learn here:
I have many clients on the NuVET - see my web site:

Let me know how she does???

Marie Peppers
Pet Chef
Alternative Meds for Pets