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please help! starving kitten!

18 15:15:14

My 14-15 wk old kitten was diagnosed with flea anemia. we have done everything the vet suggested. We are giving him iron supplements, but now, he will not eat. I've tried softening his food. he acts like he is interested in it but just will not eat. he is skin and bones now. I'm afraid he is going to starve to death. What do i need to do?

Hi Shea- Ok, let's take some steps backwards and give this kid some cat formula thru a syringe ever 2 hrs.  ( when you are awake)
Give 5 cc or 10 cc every 2 hrs.  He should like the taste of the formula.  As he builds up his strength he will start to eat wet foods again.
Formula ( about 4-5 days)
Wet canned food , ( Wellness  formula or Innova )
Then, wet and dry food mixed...

If you don't do this he will die.  Sorry, no other way to say this.
The Formula has some good iron in it.  Go to the Pet store and get some kitten formula. OK

We can talk more supplements, down the road..
For now, syringe feeding is the only option.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers  LPN MA
NuVET Plus
Pet chef
Dog Food expert
CAT Food expert