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My Puppys Baby teeth

18 15:08:25

QUESTION: My puppy is 7 months old and he has lost almost a of his puppy teeth but he has two teeth in his mouth that has his puppy tooth still there and his adult tooth fully out. I think it is hurting him because he rubs his face on any soft surface. I don't know if I should just wait and see what happens or what I should do?

ANSWER: Samantha,
All the puppy teeth should be out by 6 1/2 months tops. So if there are still baby teeth in there and the adult teeth are in, you are going to have to have the vet remove these baby teeth.

Most of the time it is best to just have them pulled when you have him neutered and he is old enough for that now. If he was a juvenile neuter then you will have to have them pulled on their own.
If you wait these teeth will cause major problems in the dogs mouth for life. They don't really hurt as the baby teeth roots are probably dying but they are uncomfortable and he probably feels pressure up against the adult teeth as two teeth are competing for the same spot.

Call the vet and make an appointment to get him neutered and have them pulled as soon as you can.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Why does he have to be neutered when he gets his teeth taken out?

Unless you are adopting dogs at the same time you should not be breeding your dog. There are millions of unwanted dogs being put to sleep every single day.

Plus studies show that most dogs hit on the roads are un-neutered males looking for females that they can smell three miles away.
You will be protecting him from cancers, prostitis, and keeping him from peeing all over your house and yard as well as nipping any aggressive or territorial behavior in the bud.
You will be saving money because most vets charge per anesthetic and you will get two things done at once. You will also save money on having him stitched up over the years from dog fights. He will live longer and be healthier.

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