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my lab

18 15:03:07

I just noticed that my 10 yr old male neutered lab has stopped wagging his tail; it is drooping and just hanging there, whereas it's always up in the air and wagging around. He has also been walking funny--like his backend is a little curved. He's been panting a lot, too. He just have a rotten tooth pulled and his teeth cleaned on Feb. 16th, 2009 and he was on antibiotics for 10 days, which he just finished on Saturday, Mar. 7th. Can you help me?

Janine -

It is difficult to determine what is bothering your dog without the benefit of a physical exam.  However, there is a good chance that has developed arthrtitis in his lumbar (tail) area.  Perhaps arthritis in his back is causing pain and preventing him from presenting normal tail posturing.  

Your veterinarian can help you determine why your dog cannot raise his tail.  He/she should be able to give you treatment options, also.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM