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will not eat or drink but i dont think it is parvo

18 14:22:30

i have a 9 or 10 month old pitbull. I got him when he was five weeks old . I gave him all sets of parvo shots he needed. The last day or two he hasn't eat as much as usual well today he will not eat or drink at all i checked his stool it was the same color as his food no blood or very putrid smell. He is acting a little weird but he still went jogging with me today and is playful off and on i am worried about him because he will not eat please give advice.oh yeah he eats everything he can in the house plastic stuffed animals shoes everything.

If your dog is eating a lot of stuff he shouldn't be eating, such as plastics, shoes, stuffed animals etc, there is a good chance he could have a blockage. Or he could have gastritis from eating something not normally considered food.

Parvo shows up pretty fast with some nasty smelling diarrhea. Vomiting usually follows within 24 hours. It's great that you got him all of his vaccinations (at least 5 of them) but pit bulls are a bit more prone to parvo and can still get it even if vaccinated. They usually survive and do much better than an un-vaccinated dog.

Usually a dog with a blockage will not have a normal bowel movement and might even be vomiting, but not always.

He could have a stomach-ache as well, or he could have any number of other viruses that can make him feel lethargic.

Bottom line is that any dog that goes more than 24 hours without eating needs to see a vet right away.

This is not something you want to wait and see- especially if it's already been over 24 hours.

Call your vet and make an appointment.