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Bloody Diahrrea

18 14:33:01

QUESTION: My 7 year old dachshund vomited 4 days ago and seemed fine.  She has suddenly come down with a case of diahrrea that has lasted 3 days, off and on (not continual).  Today she's started acting lethargic, but got excited as usual to go for a walk.  While outside, she had diahrrea again, but this time it was red and thick, like blood.  She's drinking plenty, but I am worried about the blood.  Any advice?

ANSWER: I would call the vet tomorrow since this has continued on. Without knowing her vaccination history or what she is eating, it could be anything from a passing digestive upset from a new food or table scrap, or she could have parvo if her vaccinations are overdue.

This is something you don't want to let go and go, so call the vet tomorrow and let them know what is going on with her.

You can start her on some boiled rice and white chicken tonight to help stop it but only give her a small amount, then more tomorrow. It can help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Since yesterday, still has a touch of diahrrea but there's no more blood in it.  She did vomit just a little bit of the chicken/rice  mixture.  As far as her vaccines go, she just had the rabies vaccine last summer, but not one for parvo, however, I don't take her anywhere other than our enclosed back yard.  She's never around other dogs either, so not sure if it's likely she would have picked it up anywhere.  If things don't subside today, I will take her to a vet.  Thanks for help.

Parvo is airborne and a very, very hardy virus. You can bring it home on your shoes, clothes and the tires of your car. Don't let the fact that she stays home fool you.

Just like heartworms are caused by mosquitoes, and so the dog doesn't need to be around other dogs to get it, so it is with parvo, but it's a virus.

Glad she is feeling better. These little dogs are very prone to getting digestive upsets that can become serious very quickly such as pancreatitis, or gastritis.

So, yes, take her in today if she is still vomiting or has diarrhea.