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cat behind

18 14:32:08

I have been noticing that everyonce and awhile, when i go to pat my cat in her hind quarters, she is tender. She is walking fine, I can bend her leg and move it freely. It seems to be closer to her tail area and only on one side.
As a side note, her tail was damaged as a kitten, it was broken about 1 inch from the base of her behind and also at the very tip of the tail. We rescued her and she was given a clean bill of health.
Any ideas would be great!

If this is an ongoing thing then it could be just some residual nerve damage from the tail injury. It depends where exactly you are petting her, how old she is, does she go outside and how long you have been noticing this.

If it's new and she goes outside, it's possible she has a bite wound that is tender in that area. They have a lot of nerves in that area so it could be that she is tender from the old tail injury like I mentioned. It could be that she jumped off of something and it's tender from that.

Cats seem to bite their fleas in that area the most so check her for fleas as well.

That is about all I can suggest Tasha. If there is no swelling, no heat when you gently put your hand on it, no limping, then I wouldn't worry about it.