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Newborn kittens

18 15:02:27

My cat just gave birth to two kittens on our son's bed.  Should I move them or leave them alone?  If I leave them alone, how long before my son can have his bed back?

Tenysha -

You can move the cats to a quiet place such as a closet or a bathroom.  Just make sure your hands are clean when you are handling the kittens. Provide the mama kitty with fresh water and food.  I suggest that you feed her kitten food because of its high level of nutrition. The mamma kitty actually needs extra nutrients because she is feeding her babies.  

Unless you are a cat breeder, you should consider having the mama kitty spayed after she weans her kittens.  Cats will continue to go into heat until they are bred or are spayed; she could potentially have lots of kittens if you do not have her spayed.

You should also take her to her veterinarian for shots if she has not already had her vaccines.  There you can schedule the spay ad also get the kittens altered in the process.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherell, DVM