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soft coated wheaton terrier w/diaherra

18 15:29:05

Hi My  female Wheaton terrier is 14 months old. She has been having very loose bowel movements. She is eating her dinner but very late. She is drinking water, she is lively,& playful. Is there anything we can give her or feed her to help her out. This has been going on & off for 2 days now. Please help!

There are many, many, many reasons why your young Wheaton could have diarrhea. A partial list is as follows:

1. She ate something that she is not used to such as table scraps.
2. She has parasites-best to have a stool sample checked by your vet.
3. She has a food allergy. Typically, this is caused by a specific ingredient in the food.
4. Viral or bacterial diarrhea-Are her vaccines up to date? Has she been in contact with other dogs lately that she could have contracted a contagious disease from?

You can try feeding her a bland diet such as boiled chicken and rice for 1-2 days to see if the diarrhea resolves. If it does not then I suggest you take her to see your vet as this may be something that requires medical intervention.

Dr. G.