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Alexandrine Parrots

18 14:55:45

I have got 2 alexandrine parrots they are 3 months old, is it possible to know their sex with out visiting a Vet? if yes How?

I consulted with 3 avian veterinarians and none of them knew this specific breed, so they said to consult the person you purchased the bird from or find a book about that specific breed.

"Their sex is distinguishable only after 32 to 36 months when males develop the necklace around the neck. In females, the green color is darker and the red spots on the wings are smaller and darker. The middle tail feathers are shorter. It is impossible to determine the sex in young birds. Their color is dark, the iris is dark without the yellow-white ring. "

If you would like them to stay healthy for years, learn some holistic approaches. Dr. Doug Yearout is a real expert (I was not able to reach him yet about the sex) and does homeopathic and holistic phone consults (best to do before illness strikes so you know each other and to prevent illness).  425-334-8171

The parrot is soooo pretty.
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