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My cats...What do I Do???????

18 16:04:19

I have two indoor fixed declawed male cats that are age 6 and have been together from birth. I got them when they were about three years old. They have big time urinating issues. They keep marking their territories in the house and on the back porch. I live in the city and there are lots of stray cats that they smell that causes them to fight sometimes. Even if I keep them only  in the house and not on the 2nd story porch they smell the other cats and mark. I have tried every single thing the vet has told me but feliway because it is simply too expensive.     Nothing has kept them from marking and I am tired of always being worried about what I'll find when I come home. Not to mention it is so hard to get cat piss out!
I love them dearly but I cannot keep worrying and cleaning piss everyday--especially when my husband and I want to have children.
I feel selfish, but they are ruining alot of stuff. I love them so much, and it is tearing me up inside. I am trying to be a good pet owner and mommy here. I've dealt with this since I got them 3 years ago.
I don't want to give them to a shelter ( even if it is a newly built no-kill ) because cats with litter box problems never seem to get adopted and live in cages forever; I can't let them outside cause they have no claws;I mean are there places that take cats like mine so i know they are in good hands, or something??? This is making me crazy and so very intensly sad.I am at my wits end. What would you recommend I do with Treye and Puck my favorite little guys??

Hi There!  Are Treye and Puck neutered?  This is common for them to mark their territory if not neutered.  If they aren't neutered, cleaning the urine spots with Natures Miracle Pet Odor Remover (not expensive) or even Dawn dish detergent will get the smell out, and then neutering them will be most beneficial and will most likely eliminate the problem.  If they are neutered, have they been checked for a urinary tract infection?  Urinary Tract Infections are the #1 reason cats urinate outside the litterbox.  If they are neutered and have been cleared of having a Urinary tract infection, you may just want to keep them inside, so they will not pick up another cat's scent.
I hope this helps.  If you have any more information on the subject that could help us find a solution, please let me know! Any other questions are welcome!
Hang in there and I hope that you find a solution!