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my dog is allergic.

18 15:40:34

Hello Dr. Gotthelf. I have 3 dogs, and one of them is allergic to almost everything imaginable, (he is even allergic to one of my other dogs!) As a result, he is constantly troubled by red, inflamed, and itchy skin, and often needs antibiotics due to the scratches he inflicts on himself becoming infected. I have tried many treatments (some rather expensive) which have been prescribed or recommended by my local vet, but none of them seem to help. Can you suggest any way in which I may be able to relieve his itching, as my only other option is to rehome him, and I don't think he, I, or my other dogs would cope well with that situation.

I hope you can help, and look forward to your reply.

Many thanks.


You can use cortisone type drugs to reduce the skin reaction to the allergens.  Bathing removes the allergens.  Dietary Omega3 fatty acids help to prevent the skin reaction to allergies, and allergy shots may help immunize your dog against allergens. Consult with your vet or consult with a veterinary dermatologist.