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can they be friends?

18 15:14:23

Thank you very much for the answers.
I am now thinking about Maltese. Or west highland terrier.
What do you think? Which is better?
I have a poodle that past away last year at 16yrs so I prefer not a poodle.

This is really a matter of personal preference. They are both white, Maltese tend to have curlier hair and act more like poodles but are gentle and fairly quiet.

Westies are very gentle and as quiet as any terrier can be-but probably the quietest of the bunch. They are good with kids and are not as much of a hassle to groom as Maltese are. If I had to pick between the two I would get a Westie. Mostly because they are less prissy and I am not into prissy dogs-but as I said it's a personal preference.