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Adoped 7 week old kitten from Humane Society and she had diarrhea and a fever of 103.3

18 15:22:02

Hi. I am scared. I have had cats all of my life, but this is the first time I have ever encountered this. I adopted the most precious 7 week old tabby kitten from the humane society. Her stools were normal while she was there at the shelter (4 days) and when I brought her home I gave her the exact same kitten food she had had since she was weaned. (kitten chow)

The day after we brought her home she developed diarrhea and woudl have it 3 or 4 times a day. It smelled pretty bad and there was sort of a watery clear mucus liquid around her anus after she was done. There was also dripping stool around her anus too. One time she rubbed her butt on our carpet after she went, but she only did that one time.

We called the vet and they said it was likely stress so we let it go another day and kept on showering her with attention, and then I went to the vet and bought hills science diet which our kitten loved and ravished, but afterwards she had the watery diarrhea still.

So this morning I took her to the vet for an exam and he said she had a 103.3 fever. He gave me Albon to give her.

Since that appt this morning she has had NO diarrhea, but now she seems so tired, she isn't playful or anything. She just wants to sleep or just lay around. She urinated 3 times today. She is drinking, but eating only nibbles throughout the day here and there.

The vet did a fecal test and said he didn't see anything under the microscope but he felt she had an infection requiring Albon.

My question is, is it normal to be more tired while on Albon? I just don't get it. She was more active and rambunctious while having the diarrhea, but now that it has evidently stopped, she is tired and not interested in playing.

Do I have a reason to be scared? I just took her temp (something I have never done) and it was 103.3 still.

Is there anything I can or should be doing? We love her so much already and would be devastated if anything happened to her. We have a 4 year old tabby named Romeo and he has never been sick a day in his life. We are keeping them separate and have been since the diarrhea began.

Please respond when you can. Her tiredness is scaring me to death.

I am wondering why he would use Albon with no signs of parasites in her stool? Albon is mainly used for coccidia infections which can certainly cause the kind of diarrhea she has had.
It is not normally used for just an infection. If he thinks she might have a heavy parasite load but can't see the coccidia, that might be why he put her on it. I am thinking that if she does have it, and the Albon is working, it could make her feel dumpy. Did she get wormed for roundworms at the humane society?
A fever of 103.3 in a kitten alone will make her dumpy. They are not usually very active with a temperature that high.
The fact that her fever is still quite high is what worries me. Normal is 101.5 in cats.
I would call the vet's answering service and tell them you need to speak to him about the kitten he saw this morning and ask him why her fever is still so high and if the fever could be causing this lethargy. I am guessing that is the case.
But as I said, why is it so high? And ask him why would she have a high temp from a coccidia infection? (if she has one)
You are right to be concerned as little kittens are pretty fragile and can lose ground fast.
That is why you need to insist on the vet calling you back. Write down these questions and ask him them. Then ask what you can do for her temperature at home to lessen it.
I hope you can get through to him. If not call another place and ask them.
Please let me know if you can get through and what they tell you.