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bullying dog

18 14:11:26

i recent got a new dog about a month ago, and now all of a sudden hes starting to nip at his snout and almost "bulling" him around. I have noticed that the past 2 days i'd be in the ktchen with the two dogs and my new dog (malado) will just glance over to my first dog (shotta) and shotta will hunker down and go in the corner. and also just recently malado wont let shotta come near me or me near him, he wont attack him he just pushes himself between us. they still play and act like buddies but malado will get like that more then a few times a day. and i dont have any clue of whats going on.

I am sorry but this question is very confusing to me. You start by telling me you have gotten a new dog but this dog is nipping at his own snout and bullying "who" around??

Dogs, like wolf packs, have pecking orders amongst themselves. Your dogs are trying to establish who gets to be at the top of the rank and who is the bottom dweller.

This can lead to some pretty serious fights if these dogs are not neutered, so I hope that they are.

You just need to let them figure this out as long as there is no overt growling and fighting going on.

If there is, you will need to separate them and definitely neuter them if they are not.