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Welsh Terrier Ear Problems

18 14:46:35

My family and I have had our Welsh Terrier since she was a puppy and she is now 12 years old. She has always had health problems, specifically allergies. She is constantly scratching herself and she therefore has very thin, soft curly hair instead of the usual wire variety. We have given her mild allergy medication for most of her life, but recently we've been giving her claritin every other day instead per a vet's request since her old medication seemed to be giving her liver and kidney function problems.

She has also always had chronic ear problems. Her one ear canal is barely a canal anymore, but swollen shut to only a few millimeters in diameter while the other is starting to look like it is on the way to the same fate. I clean her ears using a cleansing solution about every other week, sometimes more, and then use Ottomax cream as prescribed by the vet. We're pretty sure she's almost completely deaf at this point since she rarely responds to any noise anymore. We have her on a special diet too for her weight and allergies.

I was wondering if there is anything else I could do for her ears to either relieve some of the swelling or the itching. I know the vet can clean them out really well but he has to put her under anesthesia to do so which is very dangerous for her so I'd rather not. Please let me know and sorry this is so long!

Antihistamines like claritin have very little effect on dog skin allergies because dogs have very little histamine in their skin when there are chronic allergies.  If your dog has side effects from steroids, then ask your vet about ATOPICA.  For the ears, I am using something called "ear wicks" to keep medication in contact with the ear canal 24/7.  Many dog ears will open up with this treatment.  You can't get any medication, especially Otomax, beyond the stenosis. Your vet is welcome to contact me for details on ear wicks.  Just have him/her GOOGLE my name.