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My dog was acting strange

18 15:46:12

Today my female pit bull/boxer mix acted very strange.  She was on a bed shaking.  When you would call her name or approach her, while she was on the bed, she would shake more.  We got her off the bed and in the livingroom with us where she wouldnt stop leaning on us.  She had to be touching us.  Non responsive if you called her name, very lethargic.  She seemed to be in a daze.  She acted like she was trying to fight off falling asleep.  Finally tho she slept, and slept hard too for a couple hours.  At one point i had gone outside and i turn around and she is standing there, wagging her tail, but still glued to me.  She followed me into the bathroom, always having to touch me.  The rest of the evening was like this.  Whenever i got up she would get up and be stuck to me.  She regained some of her senses back, would respond a bit to her name and wagged her tail more. But seems very tired.  She hasnt eaten or drank since we noticed the behavior change.  At the corners of her mouth, both sides, it is crusty..never noticed that before, dont know if it has anything to do with what is bothering her.  SHe is an older dog.  About 7 years old.  She was a pound dog so we dont know her history.  But we have had her for about 4 years.  She likes to eat bees and wasps, we were wondering if maybe this was a reaction to getting stung in the mouth.  I also use Bio spot on her..i have heard a rumor that bio spot causes seizures.  Could she have had one due to that?  No one knows what happened to her.  She doesnt leave the yard.  We dont know if she could have ate something bad.  We are keeping a constant eye on her now, she is in fact in my bed right now asleep with my husband.  It was just odd to see her so out of if for a few hours.  Before she went to bed she seemed to be getting back to herself but i just worry if it is the bio spot.  She ALWAYS manages a tail wag when you say her name or love on her, but for her to react the way she has us concerned.  

This sounds like a seizure and it could be due to a number of possibilities.  Toxic exposure is always a concern and I would not recommend to continue the biospot just in case.  I would recommend taking her to your vet for some blood testing to check kidney, liver and thyroir function as well as electrolytes, blood sugar and calcium as an abnormality with any of these could lead to a seizure.  Fevers can also lead to fevers.  I would recommend having her tested for Lyme Disease as it is very common in most areas of the US and could cause seizures.  Other thing to target is diet...feed only an all natural diet that is free of dyes, preservatives and by-products.  Keep a log of repeat seizure activity.  Normally we do not put them on anti-seizure medication with only one episode, however, sometimes by keeping a log you can find a trigger.  I always recommend supplementing with B-Complex vitamins (50 mg a day) to help support the nervous system.   Lastly, get some Rescue Remedy to have on hand as you can give it to her orally before, during and after a seizure to help her.