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Vomiting food

18 15:13:28

My dog sometimes throws up a huge pile of unchewed food pieces. Could the problem be lack of calcium or not chewing his food? and how could I relieve him of this problem.

Hi Janine -
Ok, here are some suggestions...
1. Raise his feeding - put his dog bowl on a step of some kind - or buy a raised feeding dish - I am sure you have seen the set-ups in the pet stores..
2.  Feed him 2 feedings per day - If he eats dry dog food - wet it with some water and let it sit for 5 minutes before you feed him.
That way it will expand slightly in his dish rather than his throat.
3.  YOU can give him 1 tagament pill per day - in the am -  Let me know his weight and I can give you the dosage.

If my suggestions do not help, then I suggest you see the vet. They can do some blood work and figure it out.
Also, NuVET Plus will help with his digestion... Here is the link to order this doggie vitamin..

Thanks and BEST of Luck

Let me know how he does...

Marie Peppers LPN MA