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mitaban question..

18 15:16:12

My 5 month old chihuahua was diagnosed with mange and i took him to the vet to get the mitaban dip. He was fine till the next day, he started to vomit and lost his appetite. I took him back to the vet and they gave him an IV shot. two days later he had passed away. The doctor said that it might of been parvo but i don't believe that it was. Do you think my dog was poisoned by the mitaban?

Asheley -

I am sorry for the loss of your pet.  Mitaban (amitraz) can be very toxic to animals; however it is used frequently in the treatment of skin problems.  The symptoms you describe are consistent with mitaban toxicity, but they could be consistent with parvovirus infection.  

In the future, if you get another dog and it develops that develops mange, ask the doctor for alternative treatments such as lyme sulfur dips.  The lyme sulfur is much more effective and not as toxic to pets.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM