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Dog chewing hair off

18 16:07:21

I have a 9 month old black lab,golden ret., aust.shepard mix. She is kept in a kennel at night and when we are not home. She keeps chewing her hair off. I have heard several things it could be... bored, dry skin, or some type of pest. She is kept clean and is mostly inside. How can i prevent her from chewing. Also how often or not should you bathe a dog?
Thank you for your time

Hi Heather!

Have you taken her to the vet yet to get checked out for skin parasites and or other skin problems?  If not, I highly suggest it.

Boredom is also a problem. You need to keep crated dogs busy. Getting toys like KONG chews with biscuits, apples etc stuffed in them can help. But some dogs will still be bored.

You can also use a 'bitter apple' spray on the areas she is chewing.

In the long run, getting her properly trained can prevent her from going into the crate.

Bathing should be no more than once per month, or unless she is really dirty.

Hope this helps.