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12 year old dog is sick with discoloration and

18 14:10:30

My 12 year old dog is a mix between a Pekingese and shin tzu I believe... She has been diagnosed with pancreatitis before and it's been getting better in the last year and a half she has also had low red blood cell counts as well. Her liver is also high. But she has been getting better but now it seems like it may be back and worse. She has not been eating. Her mouth is giving out a foul odor and recently her tongue has been pale with small black bumps! I'm not in a financially stable place right now. Is there anything I can do to help her at home? She is so weak she cannot walk without falling over. Please help my best friend..

If she is not eating she may be getting toxic.  When animals starve, they get something called ketosis, which changes the acidity of the blood.  With all of her other problems, that is likely.  You need to get her to eat something or get something that is liquid and concentrated that you can put in her mouth. She probably is getting dehydrated and that's why she has the foul mouth odor.   She needs fluids.