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my yorkie

18 15:55:59

Hi, I have a small yorkie and she's 8 years old.  For the past three days she's been acting very strange.  She is a lot weaker, throws up, and just lays in bed all the time.  She won't even get out of bed to go to the restroom, and she doesn't eat her normal dog food so we gave her some chicken broth.  When we tried to see if she could walk, she walked really slowly and seemed really weak.  I'm really worried.  My parents think it might be a stomach ache and she probably ate something bad, but usually it doesn't last this long!  I'm also worried because my dog hasn't been spayed.  We were going to do it next week, but now she's sick.  I don't know what I should do.  Should I got to the vet or is it really just a stomach ache? I hope you can help me!  thanks!  

Hi Helen!  You need to get your dog to the veterinarian immediately.  A stomache ache would be a little diarrhea.  Something very serious is ailing your dog.  Since she isn't spayed, it may very well be a very serious and often times deadly (without treatment) uteran infection called a Pyometra.  Get her to the vet ASAP.  This is not just something that will go away.  She is probably severely dehydrated on top of everything because of vomiting so much.  She needs veterinary care immediately!
Best of luck and please keep me posted,