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Canine baby teeth

18 15:22:04

I have a 5 month old miniature schnauzer. He is going through his teething phase and within the last two weeks, his canines and a couple molars in the back have punctured through. His baby teeth, in those two locations, have yet to fall out. Therefore, he currently has 4 canine teeth and two of each of the two big molars in the rear. I have persuaded him to chew on teething toys, frozen rags, and rawhides. My question is how long do I wait to see if they are going to fall out on their own?

These teeth are supposed to be gone by the time your dog is getting his 6 month canines. If his 4 month molars are still there as well as his canines he need to have them removed.
Our recommendation is to have it done when he is neutered at the age of 6 months.
That way he only undergoes one anesthetic and it costs you less.
But if they are not gone by now, no rawhides, chew toys or other things are going to remove them.
These teeth have very long roots and if you try to wiggle or dislodge them you can damage the permanent teeth roots for good.

So talk to your vet about getting them all pulled while he is out for his neutering job. He (the dog) will thank you for that!