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please help my dog is skinny...

18 16:06:37

please help my dog is skinny he is a little over three and he eats and
drinks but is skinny deathly skinny i can see his hips.He is an outside
dog i dont know if he is sick?is this a sign of somthing? he is part
golden retriever and german shepard thank you  

Since he is outside, I would definitely recommend having a stool sample checked as he certainly could have intestinal parasites....some of the parasites can live in the yard for years.  And I would recommend monthly INTERCEPTOR parasite prevention which will help control parasites as well as protect him from heartworm disease; however, he must have a blood test before starting on it.

To try to fatten him up, I would recommend feeding puppy food three times a day.  Make sure you are feeding a high quality food--not grocery store stuff.

In addition, I would recommend adding some digestive enzymes to his food in case he is not processing his food or absorbing it effeciently.  PROZYME is a very good product.

If he is not gaining weight after these steps, then I would recommend organ function testing.