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runny stool with a lil blood

18 15:15:28

We just bought a JRT from another state and this weekend she has had nothing but runny stool.  Some of her stool has a lil blood in it.  What could be the cause of this?  She is 3 months old.  Should I be very concerned or could this from stress from her flight here.  She was flown from Missouri to Denver this past friday.  Thanks for any help.


Hi Misty - Yes, you are correct that it could be stress of joining the new pack.  You will need to see a vet in the near future for immunizations... If he continues to have loose stools take a sample into the vet ? worms or parasites.

Here is some Preventative Health Care for your boy-

Make sure he is on a good quality food.  No junk fillers .... Some good ones are - Innova Puppy, Wellness Puppy, Solid Gold , and Eagle Pack... If you are unsure about your food please contact me... I can give you an analysis and rating of the food you are feeding.
No charge... I help people and do not charge a fee for my time.

Your baby should be on a Probiotic for some time - reduces or prevents worms and bacteria in the belly..

Life 5 - a HI-Potency Probiotic for Good Gut Bacteria Health

(3099) LIFE 5 - 30 CAPSULES   ( he will need one evey-other-day) for at least 60 days, or more:

Call to Order-

To order by phone the essential oils and pet products , ( Life 5)
call the live operator at 1-800-371-3515 so customer service can get you properly signed up as preferred customers.
Give the operator my distributor number 1027114  as your referring sponsor.

A Puppy support/ growth supplement is NuVET Plus wafers... Many breeders send the pups home with NuVET Plus .  Over 35000 dogs and cats take this Immune System Booster each day.  Make sure your boy has a good start in life with NuVET.
Call Joan and ask for NuVET Plus - This will help to keep the bugs and fleas off,too!  Parasites and fleas don't like the way the NuVET makes the pet's blood taste.  They take a bite and jump right off of them.
Call Joan and order - Give Breeder's Code 81098 / They can't sell to the public without this code...
1-800-474-7044  ext 265

Need help?  Let me know , I am here..

Marie Peppers