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Blood in dog feces

18 15:12:06

My pomeranian is about 7 months old, had all vaccines, has been spayed...she got in the garbage and got a pork chop bone out and after that I noticed she had blood in her feces.  First she had diarrhea, now it has hardened but the blood still drops after she poops.  It is bright red, and I don't know if it has anything to do with the pork bone or a coincidence.  She does not act in pain, she eats and drinks normally.  This has went on for 6 days.

I am not sure what the actual question is here. Bones are extremely dangerous to dogs- they can splinter and pierce the intestinal wall and cause a fatal peritonitis. Other times they can cause very bad impactions in the colon. Pork bones harbor another danger of encysted trichinosis worms that can hatch and then create a cyst in the dog's brain, heart, lungs or muscles.

The fact that she is eating fine is a good sign. Bright red blood in the stool is usually a sign of colon irritation or the vessels right on the inside of the rectum have started bleeding due to irritations, sharp bones or other causes.

After 6 days of doing this, which is way too long, you need to get her into the vet's and have him examine her rectum for bone pieces or tears.
She should have stopped bleeding by now if it was just from the irritation of a 'surprise' in her diet.
But this is almost a week and it's not resolved- so you need to get her to the vets.