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my puppy

18 14:31:27

my puppy has a hairline fracture and is three months old and limping on it and actin weird wants to play but yet at the same time wants to sleep is this normal

plus had his first shot but his feces is loose and has a bit of blood in it  but is still eating and  drinking is this normal

I don't understand the question about the hairline fracture. Are you asking what to do for it? Was this diagnosed by your vet? How do you know he has a fracture?

There are many things that can cause blood in stool and of course parvo is one of them.

One shot will not protect him from Parvo. He needs to have at least 2 more because he is behind on them by 5 weeks already.

So get him into the vets if he continues to have blood in his stool and please explain about this fracture.