Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > KITTY TROUBLE


18 14:43:28

QUESTION: I have a female calico about 12 years old. She has recently lost weight and doesn't seem to be eating, much. I noticed 2 small lumps on her stomach and her breathing seems very fast and shallow. Any ideas?

Thanks for your time!

Bakersfield, CA

ANSWER: Hi Adam,
You need to get your kitty in to see a vet and probably very soon. The lumps may or may not be an issue, but if her breathing is like you said she is in distress.

Cats at this age that have stopped eating are very sick. She could be having kidney issues or even cancer, or something else-even heart problems. Shallow, fast breathing can be a sign of pain in cats and dogs.

She needs to see a vet soon Adam, like tomorrow if you can get in.

please let me know how she is after you find out. I hope she will be okay.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your advice. Unfortunately, it was as serious as you thought. The Vet said Breast Cancer and she was suffering, so I put her down... I am a mess but I will get over it. Thanks again.

Oh Adam,
I am so sorry! It is so terribly hard to let them go and to just make the decision to end their lives feels so horrible. I recently went through it myself with my 15 yr old cat.

I had to tell myself that I was giving her a gift- the gift to end her suffering. It was the only thing that helped me through it and to even give the nod to do the act. I was holding her and that helped but being a vet tech doesn't make it any easier to lose those we love.

You did do the right thing for her- you gave her that gift, one we can't even give each other.

I know you will hurt from this and it's not easy to go through because many still don't understand unless they are pet lovers themselves.

You will be in my thoughts tonight. If you need to talk or vent, just write me back privately.
Take care of yourself tonight.