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my kitten and the litterbox

18 15:50:19

I have a 6 month old kitten and she does everything in her litterbox, with the exception of pooping. She does that on the linoleum beside the box...what can I do to stop this behavior??  I also have a 2 yr old cat who has her own litterbox and have no propblem with her...please help...thanks

is this a hooded or unhooded box? sometimes they just stick their butt to far off the edge. :)

also many cats like a second box to poop in. so add another box for her.

what you can do also is put puppy piddle pads under the box so she is no poopin on the floor but the piddle pad.

sometimes they hate the litter they have. lots of cats like unscented scoopable clay litter like everclean.

;) good luck