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wondering if my dog is in labor?

18 15:27:26

I have a 2 1/2 year old jack russel/beagle mix and she is pregnant. what I am wondering is if she might be labor. She pants hard everytime that she moves around. she seems to be restless at times. she can't get comfortable. Like right now she is lying on the couch sleeping but she is still breathing real fast. I read about taking their temperatures, but I have never done that before and don't know how long to do it for. When she does lay down she keeps putting het rear end up to the back of the couch or up to the side of the couch arm. She also keeps raising her leg up. Can you please help me? Thank you for your time.                            Niki Brown

It does sound like she is getting close, though by chance do you know the number of days since she was bred?

If you have a rectal thermometer you can take her temperature (most these days are digital and will give a beep when done recording the temperature).  If it is below 100 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 24 hours and she has not delivered you should take her to your veterinarian.

Best of luck to you and the expectant mother.