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pup has swollen eye

18 15:14:18

Hi!  I usually ask for help with fish here, but well, this is a first I could really use help with my beagle.  Being the holiday weekend, I'm really hoping you can help me and I don't have to take her to a least not YET.

We took a nap this afternoon and when woke up the inner white of her eye was swollen and red.  It looks like it might be her tear duct, because the swelling seems to be "on top" of the normally white part of her eye, and on the inner side of her cornea.  But I'm just guessing.

I haven't the money to spend on the emergency vet but will if must.  May I please ask for your thoughts?  She's young (3) and otherwise healthy.  Oh- also, this doesn't seem to bother her at all.

Thanks so much for your time,


Hi Lisa - give her some benadryl 25 mg (1) every 8 hrs.  If it is an allergy it will go down with the benadryl....
Also, take a warm wash cloth and pat the area - see if you can open up the tear duct...A closed tear duct will open with warm compresses.